Subcategory: Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention and public health Nanomedicine General Topics/ ECR
World Food Day - Different Perspectives to ensure Food Security and Sustainable Water Management
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
Webinar Food (In)Security due to Crisis
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
Changing Dietary Behaviour
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
Ultra-processed foods: towards a balanced perspective
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
Ultra-processed foods – Panel Discussion
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
10 years of nutrition research
Healthy Diet Healthy Life (HDHL)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nutrition and Lifestyle related Diseases
Innovations in ICD therapy: from transvenous to extravascular
European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Cardiovascular Diseases
Addressing the obesity epidemic: from population level to individual level interventions
European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Cardiovascular Diseases
Cancer nanomedicine: Using gold nanoparticles to overcome radiotherapy challenges
Nanomedicines Innovation Network (NMIN)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nanomedicine
What is the Future of Nanomedicines?
Nanomedicines Innovation Network (NMIN)
Category Webinars
Sub-category Nanomedicine
How to get the most out of attending a conference
The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA)
Category Webinars
Sub-category General Topics/ ECR
From Research to Publication - Reviewer s and Editor s Perspective
AquaticPollutants PhD Forum
Category Webinars
Sub-category General Topics/ ECR